IMG source: soulscode.com
Death! We all fear this inevitable event in the cycle of life. Why? It is just because, the human mind naturally fears the unknown—we fear everything we can’t understand. It is in our basic instinct to desire survival at any cost. But death isn’t what we human understand it is. Death isn’t the end of your entire being; it is just a stage that we must go through in life like everything else in the universe. For instance, let’s say that (you buy a new car, and after a few years of using it. It breaks down. Well the remains of that car doesn’t just disappear, they can be recycled, and they can probably build a new car out of it, and that process can go on forever, just because that metal cannot be created nor destroy, it can only be changed, that metal was always there in the universe with us, in forms of atoms and other particles. It changed form as we know it today). To summarize this topic, there is life after death. It can be a different form of life, but there is one for sure. Just because nothing cannot be created nor destroyed, they can only change form.

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